Reading list
What changed my mind, blew my mind, and broadened my mind
(this list is ever growing, so make sure to check back later)
In Alphabetical Order by Author
(list includes books, essays & articles)
Andrews, Edna - Conversations with Lotman: Cultural Semiotics in Language, Literature, and Cognition
Arendt, Hannah - Between Past and Future
Ariely, Dan - The (Honest) Truth About Dishonesty
Armstrong, Karen - A Short History of Myth
Bennett, Bo - Logically Fallacious
Brown, Derren - Tricks of the Mind
Browne, Neil M. - Asking the Right Questions
Cahn, Steven M. - Philosophy of Religion
Campbell, Joseph - Myths to Live by
Carson, Rachel - Silent Spring
Clarkson, Frederick - The Rise of Dominionism
Coyne, Jerry - Why Evolution Is True
Daly, Mary - Beyond God the Father
Damer, Edward T. - Attacking Faulty Reasoning
Dobson, Charles - A Summary of What Works
Eco, Umberto - Ur-Fascism
Ellison, Ralph - Going to the Territory
Ellison, Ralph - What America Would Be Like Without The Blacks
Ernst, Edzard; Singh, Simon - Trick or Treatment
Firestein, Stuart - Ignorance
Fox, Rebecca - How to be Reasonable
Giugni, Marco; McAdam, Doug; Tilly, Charles - How Social Movements Matter
Gorski, David - SBM: Guide to Critical Thinking
Gunter, Jen - The Vagina Bible: The Vulva and the Vagina - Separating the Myth from the Medicine
Haidt, Jonathan - The Righteous Mind
Hartshorne, Charles; Reese, William L. - Philosophers Speak of God
Hick, John - Philosophy of Religion
Hick, John - Who or What is God?
Jameson, Kay R. - An Unquiet Mind: A Memoir of Moods and Madness
Kahneman, Daniel - Thinking, Fast and Slow
King, Martin L. - Letter from a Birmingham Jail
King, Martin L. - The Peaceful Warrior
Kirk, Geoffrey S. - Myth: Its Meaning and Functions in Ancient and Other Cultures
Kong, Travis S.K. - Chinese Male Homosexualities
Konnikova, Maria - The Confidence Game: Why We Fall for It Every Time
Levitan, Dave - Not a Scientist: How Politicians Misinterpret Science
Loftus, Elizabeth - The Myth of Repressed Memory
Maathai, Wangari - The Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech
McRaney, David - You are Now Less Dumb
Milgram, Stanley - Obedience to Authority
Moore, Brooke Noel - Critical Thinking
Novella, Steven - The Skeptics’ Guide to the Universe
Offit, Paul A. - Do You Believe in Magic?
Ostdiek, Gerald - Signs, Science, and Religion: A Biosemiotic Meditation
Otto, Rudolf - The Idea of the Holy
Pedersen, Esther Oluffa: The Holy as an Epistemic Category and a Political Tool: Ernst Cassirer's and Rudolf Otto's Philosophies of Myth and Religion
Peirce, Charles S. - Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce
Randi, James - Flim-Flam! Psychics, ESP, Unicorns, and Other Delusions
Romm, Joseph J - Language Intelligence
Rosen, Jay - What Are Journalists For?
Sacks, Oliver - Hallucinations
Satel, Sally - Brainwashed
Seigfried, Charlene H. - Pragmatism and Feminism: Reweaving the Social Fabric
Smith, Jonathan C. - Pseudoscience and Extraordinary Claims of the Paranormal
Stiver, Dan R. - The Philosophy of Religious Language: Sign, Symbol, and Story
Tavris, Carol - Mistakes Were Made (But Not by Me)
Twain, Mark - Mark Twain's Speeches
Vaughn, Lewis - The Power of Critical Thinking
Voeten, Teun - Dutch Provos
Westen, Drew - The Political Brain
Wiseman, Richard - Paranormality
Wiseman, Richard - Quirkology
Witkowski, Tomasz - Psychology Gone Wrong
Woolf, Virginia - A Room of One's Own
Younge, Gary - Riots are a class act